There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about The University Club, a Women's Social Club in Iowa City. We've been around for over 100 years! We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to connect with us.
The crimson leaves and crisp breeze will soon turn into snow swirls and ice skating rinks as we embrace another season. I hope you treat yourself to something that brings you joy each day and keep your heart warm through friendships and activities you love.
What a delight to see long-time friends and new members as well as guests at our recent kickoff luncheon and Fall Fair. The Interest groups are bursting at the seams! Five deserving women are enrolled at Iowa because of their UC Scholarships! Membership numbers are almost at 700 and Newcomers has over 120 members. We are active and we are happy! What I appreciate so much about this club is that it’s built on people, relationships, and team work. Thanks to Rose Meyer, Fall Fair chair, and all the UC Board members and volunteers who made it such a success!
Thanks to the Interest Group chairs for promoting volunteer opportunities, education, and social networking. The energy that you contribute has inspired vibrant members and new ideas. Our new groups this year include Pickleball for All, Country Line Dancing and our latest, UC Women Support UI Women Athletes. What a delightful way to meet new people, learn new skills, and support our teams! If you have an Interest that is not represented, reach out to any board member (listed on the back page of this Clarion) and learn the simple process to start a new group! We want you to feel welcome and expand our community footprint!
New Members: We want you to stay informed and not miss a beat!
*Join Newcomers! Ask lots of questions! Get involved!
All Members:
* Be sure to pick up your yearbook! Send your updates to Karen McClusky at
* Explore the list of Interest Groups on the website and join!
* Submit a question on the website ( and get a reply from a Board member.
* Read your newsletter sent three times a year: August, November, February.
* Send a question or idea to the Clarion editor Judi Moore:
* Volunteer for a Board position.
* Follow and ”Like” us on Facebook, Instagram and NextDoor.
* Embrace the UC by-laws and decide how you can contribute.
There is room for all of us and your talents and skills are needed! What could you plan in the
new season to feel joy for yourself? We are extending a warm invitation to get involved and
enjoy the fun and fulfillment, the hum and buzz of University Club this winter season.
Bring a friend or neighbor and explore new opportunities with us – to give, to receive and to be
appreciated by others. May you enjoy time with your family and friends and find new energy by
joining us.
Jan Tracy, UC President 2024-25
Jan Tracy President
The University Club
We are a women's social club of over 700 members. All Iowa-City area women are welcome to join The University Club. There is no requirement to be a University of Iowa Alumna or to be
associated with the University of Iowa in order to join. Come and see what the fun is all about.